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Tenity supports PhenomX Health

17 June 2024

Zurich-based incubator Tenity partnered up with the Digital Health Center Bülach (DHC) and Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB) to launch a Digital Health Incubation Program to choose PhenomX Health as one of 10 top start up companies out of 113 applications.

The goal is to optimally prepare for and successfully concluding the first round of financing.  

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Issviva &
PhenomX Health

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24 January 2024

Issviva Menopause and PhenomX Health have teamed up to empower women through a groundbreaking 90-day SLEEP + STRESS RESET program.  Our science-backed approach, led by Dr. Colleen Fogarty Draper and Dr. Jennifer Lovejoy, combines saliva testing, personalized insights, and premium supplements to support improved sleep and stress management.

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1 August 2023

PhenomX Health launches 1st global menopause app for personalized nutrition and symptom awareness. The PhenomX Health App leverages AI and personalized nutrition to support women on their menopause journey. The proprietary algorithms and recommendation engine integrate the sciences of nutrition, longevity, systems biology, functional and lifestyle medicine.

The PhenomX Health smartphone app has launched!!


31 May 2023

PhenomX Health secures a partnership with Biostarks to offer Women’s Wellness tests  as part of the PhenomX Health digital health self-assessment and recommendation platform. Test panels combine current and new assays that fit the Biostarks sample collection and laboratory capabilities.

3 April 2023

PhenomX Health has been chosen to participate in the Biopole Vanguard Program. Looking forward to 6 months of a deep dive into digital health product research & development, regulatory and market strategy support. 

January - April 2023

PhenomX Health has been chosen as a finalist for the 25th annual IMD Startup Competition to work with the MBA class of 2023! We will have a dedicated team to sharpen our go to market and growth strategies!

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November 28 – December 12, 2022

PhenomX Health is pleased to have won the opportunity to participate in the Draper University Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship Program to expand our US and Silicon Valley network!

18 October 2022

PhenomX Health launched our UnPause the Talk community to talk about anything menopause, health & nutrition. Share stories, insights, interests and some light-hearted laughter. Let's create awareness, break taboos & UnPause the Talk.

21 July 2022

PhenomX Health was selected for the highly competitive FemAging Fast Pitch Competition. Support us on Thursday, July 21st as we make our final pitch to FemTech investors for an opportunity to receive $10,000 Cash and other professional services. 

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5th May 2022

PhenomX Health is pleased to join the NL Foodvalley as a Network Partner with the Personalized Nutrition Community to accelerate our innovation & business and contribute to a sustainable food system.


5th April 2022

The PhenomX Headquarters is now located at:

LaForge, Fondation EPFL Innovation Park

Batiment C

CH-1015 Lausanne


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A Revolutionary FemTech Accelerator

PhenomX participated in the Tech4Eva Femtech accelerator program April to December 2021. We were  proud to be chosen as part of the early growth startup group developing innovative solutions to improve technologies relating to women’s health. Tech4Eva is sponsored by EPFL Innovation Park and Group Mutuel.

PhenomX Health and Caligenix Collaboration

PhenomX has a long standing co-development relationship with Caligenix. Together we are "Harnessing the power of genomics and technology to create breakthrough personalization". We support Caligenix scientific development and integrate Caligenix technology into our PhenomX platform.

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